Most important for the working of the AED is that the battery and electrodes are still usable. Next to the expiration date have may other things and a possible deployment affect the battery voltage of the AED battery. When the battery level of the defibrillator gets to low the defibrillator will indicate this. Most important for the electrodes is that the package remains closed. When te electrodes are stored in a closed package that hasn't reached the expiration date yet, will the electrodes and the special gel still be proper to use and can the AED be used safely. Always make sure that the defibrillater contains a proper functioning AED and unexpired unopened electrodes.
The account managers of AED Solutions are looking forward to get in touch with you when you want to be advised or have questions. Our AED Specialist have an answer on the most diverse question due to years of experience. In addition, AED Solutions is happy to help put together custom solutions for specific or special situations. For example, we have experience with heartsafe projects, neighborhood AED projects and specific industrial situations.