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Icons & Stickers.
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AED Icons & stickers.

It is important that an AED can always be found fast and easy. Specially when the AED is located in a big building or on a vast terrain is it important that ik can be found fast. AED Stickers and/or AED icons ensure recognizability and better findability of a defibrillator. The location of and way to the defibrillator can be clearly indicated using icon signs and/or stickers. There are several AED stickers/signs that can be placed above the AED device or the AED cabinet, which are clearly visible from a distance. In addition, there are stickers with direction indication, guiding a rescue helper to the nearest AED or to indicatie that there is an AED device in the building. 

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AED Icons and signs for any situation

Stickers and pictograms are available in many types and sizes, but because of the recognisability, these are almost always green and contain the official AED ILCOR logo. Depending on the situation, it is convenenient to be able to make a choice between the many available signs and stickers. 

Signs and icons are often suitable for use outside and stichers are often used inside or for against a window. When a sticker is placed against a window it can be handy that the sticker is double sided. This way, the sticker is functional for both the inside and outside. Also, there are special AED sticker for your vehicle. These sticers often say 'AED located in this vehicle' with besides the official AED Ilcor logo and a recognizable green background. 

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