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HartslagSamen: Connecting After a Cardiac Resuscitation

Posted: 19-12-2019 | Written by:  HartslagSamen: Connecting After a Cardiac Resuscitation

HartslagSamen is an initiative by HartslagNu and serves as an online platform for connections following a cardiac arrest. Through HartslagSamen, you can connect with other individuals involved in a resuscitation effort and find answers to your questions related to what you may experience after a cardiac arrest.

How does HartslagSamen work?

Soon, as a civilian responder, you can indicate on the timeline in your HartslagNu account that you want to participate in HartslagSamen. Once you are registered, you can see which other individuals involved in the same cardiac arrest incident have also registered. You can send each other contact requests, and after accepting a request, you can chat with each other.

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HartslagSamen begins in a few regions HartslagSamen will start soon. It will not be fully available nationwide at first. Tests will be conducted in several ambulance regions in the Netherlands initially. If your region is not yet starting, you can still connect with other civilian responders. Victims and professionals will be approached later through your ambulance region. HartslagSamen will send you an email when it becomes fully available in your region. From then on, victims and professional responders can also register.

Why stay in touch after a resuscitation?

For civilian responders After a cardiac arrest, you likely have various questions. How did the victim fare? Did I do it correctly? How was the cooperation? Through HartslagSamen, you can connect with other individuals involved in the same cardiac arrest incident and find answers to your questions.

For victims or family and loved ones If you have survived a cardiac arrest or are a family member of the victim, privacy regulations prevent (civilian) responders from having information about the outcome of a resuscitation. You can share more about it with them, which can help in processing the event. You can also learn more about how the resuscitation itself took place through the responders.

For professional responders As a professional responder, connecting with other individuals involved in the resuscitation can be valuable to let them know about your experience with the teamwork. Additionally, if you want to know the outcome of the resuscitation, you might be able to find out through HartslagSamen.

HartslagSamen is an initiative by HartslagNu.

Source: HartslagNu

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