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AED Solutions supplies LIFEPAK CR2 AED's to Coop.

Posted: 06-12-2019 | Written by: AED Solutions AED Solutions supplies LIFEPAK CR2 AED's to Coop.

Coop and the Dutch Red Cross have givend the start signal to deploy hundreds of AED's.Experience has shown that the chances of survival increase by 50% when an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is readily available. Coop customers are actively contributing to acquiring AED's for their communities. The goal is to equip all 315 Coop stores with an AED by the end of 2020. Coop believes in the power of collaboration, which is why they have consciously opted for AED's for the community, to be placed on the exterior of Coop supermarkets. This ensures that all residents in the vicinity have 24/7 access to them in case of an emergency. AED Solutions will supply the first fifty LIFEPAK CR2 AED's to Coop later this year.

This morning, Fred Bosch, CEO of Coop Supermarkets, alongside Joke van Lonkhuijzen, Director of National Assistance and Association Management at the Dutch Red Cross, and entrepreneur Niek Slomp from Coop Dunnink in De Wijk, marked the commencement of the AED rollout by installing the first AED.

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