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Number of AED's in the Netherlands increased by 20%

Posted: 23-06-2022 | Written by: AED Solutions Number of AED's in the Netherlands increased by 20%

The number of AED's has increased by 20% in recent years and as many as 25,000 more people in the Netherlands have signed up as citizen aid providers who can resuscitate a victim of cardiac arrest within 6 minutes. As a result, the chance of survival from cardiac arrest has increased from 9% to 25%.

The annual report of the Dutch Hartstichting shows that almost 4,000 additional AED's have been installed in our country last year. According to the Hartstichting, this is partly due to intensive cooperation with real estate companies such as Altera, Vastgoed NV, NS, ProRail and the Vriendenloterij, among others.

The Netherlands is the first country in the world to have a resuscitation response call system (HartslagNu) of citizen aid workers. This network is constantly evolving and new registrations are still needed to save as many lives as possible. Most special is that the system runs entirely on the immense efforts of volunteers who help save lives in their neighborhoods.

Would you also like to provide your company, neighborhood or association with an AED? Request a free quote and ask about the possibilities for your area.


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