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Update your first-aid kit according to the latest Oranje Kruis guidelines

Posted: 15-09-2022 | Written by: AED Solutions Update your first-aid kit according to the latest Oranje Kruis guidelines

From September 1, the guidelines for first aid kits of the Oranje Kruis have been adjusted and with that the guideline for the composition of first aid kits also changes. The new guidelines are based on new scientific insights and practical expertise.

First aid kit Oranje Kruis
The Oranje Kruis first aid kit is modular and consists of 4 different modules and a bottle of disinfectant. In order to meet the latest Oranje Kruis guidelines, a number of additional products must be added to the current first aid kit as a module 'Update'. The 'Update' module can be ordered separately and can easily be added to the current first aid kit. It is also possible to order a complete refill for your first aid kit to ensure that your first aid kit is complete and up-to-date again.

New first aid kit
Would you like to purchase a new first aid kit or would you like to replace your current first aid kit completely? Then simply order it through our webshop. Do you have any questions or need advice? Then please contact us.

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