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Clicker mechanisms.
Manikin type.
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Prestan clicker mechanisms.

The clicker mechanism makes a clicking sound when the right compression depth is provided and is part of Prestan's unique feedback system. Does a student not provide the right depth, he/she will hear nothing. If a student goes too deep, he/she will feel the feedback piston during CPR. The clickers are available both seperately, in 4-packs as in a comple compression kits. The compression kits also include a chest plate, this may be convenient depending the defect. 

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Clicker mechanism placement

The Clicker mechanism of the Prestan CPR manikins are located in the chest, right on the spot where the compressions are provided. The clicker mechanism of the manikin can be reached via the back of the manikin, opened and replaced when needed. 

Prestan's unique feedback system

The Prestan CPR manikins are optionally available with the unique CPR feedback system, allowing the student to get immidiate CPR feedback. The feedback system consists of a feedback monitor that provides feedback about the resuscitation frequency and a clicker mechanism allowing the student that the student knows wether he/she uses the right compression depth. 

The feedback monitor is located in the shoulder of the CPR torso's or for the infant manikin in the infant's diaper. When the student provides the right compression frequency (between the 100 & 120 compressions per minut) will two lights color green. When the student provides more than 120 compressions a minute and is therefore to fast, a orange light will blink. Does the student go to slow (below 100 compressions a minute), then the light will stay orange or when it's going way to slow, a light will turn red.

Zoll Mindray Philips Primedic Stryker Prestan
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