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CR2 support.

On this page you can check what the different statuses that your CR2 AED may indicate mean. Do you have a CR2 that is connected with Wifi or a mobile network, then you are able to check the status in LIFELINK. Below is an overview of the differen statuses and with a brief explanation. 

Magneet in klep CR2 AEDFirst, it is important that you control the CR2 AED for the presence of the magnet. The AED Should start when opening the AED and should stop again when closing it. When this is not the case, the magnet in the lid of the AED is probably missing. In the photo on the right, you see the magnet placed in the lid, if this is not in place, please contact us and we will find a suitable solution.

You can check the CR2 AED visually and manually to keep it ready to use:

Software update 1.14

As a LIFELINK administrator, you will receive an email shortly informing you that new software is available for your LIFEPAK CR2 AED(s). Software updates are made available per location in LIFELINKcentral. Most users have automatic software updates enabled, here the software update will be implemented at the next wifi check-in.

If you have not enabled this, it will be mentioned in the email. You still have to give permission for the software update. Allow the software update for your devices by logging into LIFELINKcentral: https://lifelink.lifenetsystems.com/, selecting a location and then clicking the Software and Setup Option icon (the gear). Then click on software setting LIFEPAK CR2 - 1.14 and click on the blue Allow software update button at the bottom. Now if you go back one page, under the software setting LIFEPAK CR2 - 1.14 there is a blue bar with Update in progress, the software update will now be implemented at the next Wifi check-in.

Please be aware hat the AED shouldn't be touched during the update. During the update, the AED will regularly make noices, as the AED will perform some self tests. Please ignore these sounds untill the update is fully done, the AED will indicate this during the spoken instructions. The update can take up to 15 minutes in total. 

The possible statuses of the CR2

Below an overview of the different statuses that the AED may show in LIFELINK or when performing a manual check.

The AED is ready to use. In addition, the AED is connected to the wireless network and the status of the AED was succesfully communicated during the latest online check in.

The AED is ready to use. The AED is connected to the wireless network but the AED did miss the latest check in. Because of this, the most recent status update has not been communicated. 
You can manually restore the connection and let the AED perform the online check in. 

  • Click here for an instruction to manually restore the wireless connection.

No data available
The AED has never been connected to a wireless network. Please check the status of your AED manually. Does the light flash green and the AED does not make a sound, the AED is ready for use. Does the AED beep and the light does not flash, pleas do a self test immidiately. A self test can be performed by opening the AED. Wait untill the instructions start and then push the language button and infant/child button at the same time. The AED will tell the reason why it is not ready for use. 
To have the CR2 connectected to the internet is always easier, because you will receive status updates via e-mail. 

  • Click here for an instruction to connect the AED to Wifi.

Needs attention (Expiring electrodes)/Needs attention (Expiring battery)
The battery and/or electrodes will reach the expiration date shortly. Check the dates on the AED device or in LIFELINK and order a new battery or new electrodes in time. Replace them before the AED gets Not ready.

AED Not ready
Your AED is not ready to use and you have to take action immidiately to get it ready for use again. However there are different possibilities why the AED can be not ready for use. 

Not ready (self test)
A problem occured while performing the self test. Please contact us as soon as possible allowing us to solve the problem together. 

Not ready (battery)
The battery is not all right causing that the energy level of the AED is to low. Please contact us to order a new battery. 

Not ready (used electrodes)
The AED is used and the electrodes are used. You have to replace the electrodes. Please order new electrodes and replace the entire electrode tray. 

Not ready (electrodes not connected)
The electrode tray is not connected. This can be because you took them out of the AED yourselve. Is the electrode tray not opened and has the expiration date not been reached, you can safely put bach the tray in the AED. 

Not ready (Expired battery)
The expiration date of the battery has passed. Causing that the energy level may be to low. Please order a new battery as soon as possible and place this one in the AED. 

Not ready (Expired electrodes)
The expiration date of the electrodes has passed. Causing that the glue on the pads doesn't adhese well anymore. Please order new electrodes as soon as possible and place these in the AED. The entire electrode tray needs to be replaced. 

  • In this video you will find the instructions for replacing the battery and the electrode tray.


Problems regarding LIFELINK

We also notice that clients sometimes have some other problems regarding the use of LIFILINK. One of these problems is the availability of the Wifi configuration tool, this tool is only available for Windows devices. Do you use an device Apple, Chrome or another operating system, then try to borrow a Windows computer of a colleague, family member or acquaintance. As connecting with a wireless network is one-time action. 

Another frequently heard problem is that, whent the Wifi configuration tool has been downloaded, connecting with the AED won't work out. This can have different reasons, please try it several times and make sure to use the right network and password combination. If it still doesn't work, you should try to check the IT-checklist together with your IT-specialist. 

Can't you log in to LIFELINK anymore? Probably you have used a wrong password to many times. Nowaday you can reset your password yourself, by using the forgot my password button next to the sign-in button. You can enter your sign-in namen and e-mail address (for most people these are the same) here to receive a password reset.
Your LIFELINK password does only last for 90 days, hereafter a new password has to be set. When your password is expired, you will automatically receive a notice and you have to immidiately choose a new password. 

You cannot find your CR2 AED in LIFELINK. Please contact us and we will check this for you and add the AED to your account as soon as possible.

Do you have a question or problem that is not listed on this page, please get in touch and we are happy to help you. 

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