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Complaints procedure.

At AED Solutions we do handle the complaints we receive from customers and/or suppliers with the greatest care possible. When you do have a complaint, you can file it with all the employees of AED Solutions. Internally it is ensured that this will end up in the right place and is processed in an appropriate manner. 

Complaints handeling.

If possible, the employees of AED Solutions will try to resolve the complaint immidiately in consultation with the customer/supplier. However, it is possible that a complaint cannot be resolved immidiately due to the circumstances. For this, the complaint will be passed to the person within AED Solutions that can find the right solution for the complaint. The designated employee will contact the complainent as soon as possible, to find a suitable solution in consultation. If the situation occurs that it is not possible to resolve the complaint in the foreseeable future, contact will be made to find a reasonable resolution period in consultation with the complainant. 

If you do not agree or are not satisfied with the manner in which your complaint has been resolved by AED Solutions. Then you can turn to an independent mediator. For the details of this mediator, please contact AED Solutions. The judgement made by the mediator will be binding, any consequences will be dealt with by AED Solutions within the stipulated period. 

Complaints registration.

All complaints that are submitted at AED Solutins will be registrated carefully in the complaint handling system and will be stored for a period of 5 years. The collected data will be used by the management to report within the organization and to prevent new complaints, as well as to improve existing procedures. 

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