If you suspect that your ordere product(s) do not work properly, you need to report this to us as soon as possible. We are happy to help you.
The legal warranty applies to all the products from AED Solutions. In addition, some of the products we sell are covered by a manufacturer's warranty of several years. The manufacturar's warranty is mentioned on the product page for various products. If this is not the case, we are happy to check whether a product is eligible for the manufacturer's warranty. We are happy to assist you with matters regarding the warranty, we are also happy to think along with you when a defect is not eligible for the warranty.
Do you have interest in one or multiple of our products, we are happy to send some non-binding information to you. It is also possible that AED Solutions provides a product demonstration on location. Request more information or a product demonstration via info@aedsolutions.eu. Always state your (company) name, telephone number and the product or products you want to receive more information about.